Ray Lindström

     Being an only child made it imperative for me to learn how to entertain myself. I had no brothers or sisters, or even any relatives my age to play with.  So I learned how to be alone without being lonesome. But, I have learned that the people that I have known have really put the spice in my life, or me theirs. Here are the folks that have made a difference. Not all my life necessarily, but for certain periods of time, and they have had an influence on me. And, helped me enjoy life. I am not including any relatives. These are people I chose to have in my life. 
     Ajaz was born in Pakistan about 40 years ago. We are so different in many ways and yet he is one my best friends. I was best man at his wedding and am Godfather of his son. He is a Muslim, very dark skinned. I'm a Christian about as fair as you can get. He's a young guy, I'm over 60.  What we have in common is the way we do business and we can talk about it for hours.
     We met ten years ago. He is a watch wholesaler. He taught me the watch business. He is sharp as a tack about business and any other subject...knows about and can discuss virtually any topic
from sports to politics. And, what a salesman! He could sell ice to the eskimos. He's probably sold me over 5 million dollars while I was retailing watches in Nevada.
     Ajaz bought my business and all my stores in The Riverside Resort in Laughlin and has taken them to new heights. I wouldn't expect anything less. 
     Roger and I met when we both worked at KTKT radio in the mid 60's. I was a deejay and he was a newsman. We did a lot of skits on my show where he played President Johnson. Thank God none of those tapes still exist! We've known each other for over 35 years. He has had quite a career...produced TV shows, appeared in movies, and most recently was the entertainment reporter for Westwood One Radio.  
Roger is a great guy, single, and lives in Lake Havasu City. He's one of my few old radio buddies who still is working. He is Communications Director for Mohave County and is host of Good Sunday on radio stations in northern Arizona.
     Steve Lake started working for me in 1985 when and I started the infomercial business at Media Arts. We became good friends and when I sold that company he joined me at National Media Marketing, the 900 number business. When I got in the watch business I think he'd probably had his fill of me, cause we went our separate ways.
     He recently retired from Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas. In his spare time he does Public Relations for a few folks. He did it for me for quite a while until I decided I'd gotten enough publicity.
     Steve is the absolute best at two things: Publicity and research. He's gotten me on The Today Show, The CBS Evening News with Dan Rather, Forbes, and a bunch of other stuff. At research, just give him something you want to know about and he'll bombard you with information. He is the greatest. 
     Steve is married to a really nice gal, Caroline, and they love to travel and write about it. Many of their travel stories have appeared in newspapers throughout the US.    
     Not only is Steve 'williams the most brilliant attorney in America, but he is my good friend. We met when we had offices in the same building over 25 years ago. He was a struggling young lawyer and I was a struggling ad guy. Actually, I was the one struggling, Steve has always done well. He is a top litigator now for Stinson, Morrison, Hecker in Phoenix. Over the years he has negotiated deals for me and got me out of quite a few jams. Sometimes I got too carried away on some of my deals  
     More importantly, he is a terrific guy and when we get together we enjoy quite a few each other's expense. Actually, probably at my expense, since he probably ends up billing me for it. If you want to read more about him on his company's web site, click here.